
Film, Short film and TV

“Misterios mínimos” – Serie

Series of 10 episodes of 2 minutes. The project has been the winner of the First Federal Contest of Fiction Series for Social Networks of INCAA, and the series has been written and directed by Carlos Essmann and produced by Pedro Braulio Deré, in co-production with El Desto Pictures.

Sound design, music composition, post-production

“After the fire” – Film

Flying Elephant Films, UK, in co-production with El Desto Pictures, Spain, presents After the Fire, a socio-political drama set in the London suburbs.

Sound design, music composition, post-production

“Cobarde” – Short film

Psychological terror and intrigue short film. Final Diploma in Film Direction at the Escola de Cinema de Barcelona (ECIB).

Music composition, sound design, production

“Korscha” – Short Film

Extract from short film.



“Ciència al medi marí. Els secrets dels experiments de camp” – Documentary

Informative documentary on nature and science, showing the methodology of diving field experiments with marine biologists.

Music composition

“Esculls de corall” – Documentary, music

A journey to the process of creation through the world of sound. Ultraido’s music video.

Sound design, direct recording, post-production, mixing.

“Els residus del mercuri” – Documentary

Politics and corruption documentary about ‘El cas mercuri’ from Sabadell.

Music composition, producction, sound design, post-production, mixing.


“Virtual feet” – Advertising

Advertising campaign launch for the science and technology project by Santiago Dopazo and Toni Ventura. A locomotion device with which to experience freedom of movement in virtual reality environments.

Music composition, sound design, production

“Vacaciones en el mar” – Advertising

Advertising animation for ‘Accessibility Campaign for People with Reduced Mobility’ (PRM).

Sound design, mixing


“Lost station” – Video game

Lost Station is a video game concept that uses Unity, the demo/tutorial project Angry Bots and some images from Frontier’s Elite: Dangerous trailers.

Sound design, musical composition


“Tardígrados” – Art

Tardígrados is an archive of the living memory of our cities. It’s a stage-installation experience in a constant process of transformation.

Sound design

“Marginalias. Cartapacio de geometrías anímicas”Art, Editorial

Art and poetry. The artists Vicente Moga and Pere Planells participate in the Commemorative Edition with a book in printed format and in audiovisual format Epub, in the XXXI Book Week of Melilla, 2018.

Music composition

“Marginalias. Cartapacio de geometrías anímicas”Art, Editorial

Art and poetry. The artists Vicente Moga and Pere Planells participate in the Commemorative Edition with a book in printed format and in audiovisual format Epub, in the XXXI Book Week of Melilla, 2018.

Music composition